Item not delivered, company fails to reply regarding refund

Artem (BHS Binkert Schweiz GmbH) 03.04.2020 Signaler Plainte signalée

This seems to be this company's strategy: purposely delay ordered items and don't refund until the customer forgets or gets tired of requesting it.

As with all other complaints on this site, my order was promised to be delivered within 3-4 days, paid by an advance payment. The company lists on their site 5 different emails, non of which seems to respond to customers. The timeline:

  • 15.03.2020 - Ordered an item, paid via bank transfer.

  • 16.03.2020 - The order status changed to confirmed, payment received.

  • 20.03.2020 - Nothing changed. I realized that something is wrong, read a lot of really bad reviews about this company, and sent an email to [email protected] to clarify the status. Received an automatic reply.

  • 25.03.2020 - Nothing changed. I sent another email to [email protected] .

  • 27.03.2020 - Nothing changed. I sent the request to all found company emails: [email protected],
    [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] . I got an answer within two hours "wir prüfen den Status umgehend und melden uns so schnell als möglich zurück." Then, nothing more.

  • 31.03.2020 - Nothing changed. I send another email (to all addresses), asking them: "Could you please either (a) confirm you can deliver it no later than 11th of April or (b) cancel the order and return my payment?". I've got an answer within a day "Leider wird sich die Auslieferung noch um ca. 1 Woche verzögern.
    Wir bitten dies in aller Form zu entschuldigen. Sollten Sie mit der Verzögerung nicht einverstanden sein, so setzten Sie sich bitte mit uns in Verbindung.

  • 31.03.2020 - (The same day). I asked  the refund - I did not want to wait for a few months as others did. I provided by account details for the transfer. No reply.

  • 02.04.2020 - Nothing changed. I sent another email, also translated to German (just in case). No reply.

I see my timeline yet is somewhat shorter than the other customers complaining on this site. But I see no sign of this being resolved any time soon via email alone.

  • Remboursement CHF 184.85.- (BHS Binkert Schweiz GmbH) 03.04.2020

Guten Abend,

wir  haben derzeit ein sehr hohes Aufkommen. Unser Kundenservice hat mittlerweile Ihr Anliegen zu Ihrer Zufriedenheit erledigt.

Herzliche Grüße



After this complaint had appeared on, I got the response by email and the money were transferred back within a working day. Probably, I my request moved up the queue in the support department. I'd like to apologize for the accusations in the beginning of this complaint: it seems the company does try hard to honestly process all requests, but fails due to whatever circumstances. I'd suggest to keep up to date their "Service- und Lieferfragen" page to reflect that.